dry january? no thanks xx

start the year as you mean to go on

the vegan society

print & digital

written by seb lansdowne


January – the longest of months – it might only last 31 days but it feels like 31 years. Some people are crazy and they like to make the most depressing month even worse by not drinking a single drop. 

Not us. At bwa we like to start the year as we mean to go on. We want to reduce our impact so, to force us out of our comfort zone, many of us take part in the Plate Up for the Planet campaign – a challenge set by The Vegan Society. It may seem like a challenge at first but once you get in to the swing of it you realise that its actually not so difficult, and it also helps you to get used to reducing your intake of animal products – reducing your food related carbon footprint by up to 75%. 


“Beef protein gram for gram uses six times as much water as pulses like lentils”

The Vegan Society


This year the global Veganuary movement is expected to reach 2 million sign-ups – only reaching 1 million in 2020, 6 years after it launched so the moment is growing and fast! The actual sign-ups always massively under represent the amount of people actually taking part in the month long trial of veganism. YouGov recently found that about 4% of UK adults are expected to participate. Many participants have cited that their attitude to veganism had changed over the course of the last two years and 36% thought Veganuary was an admirable thing to do. 

42 companies in the UK have signed up to participate in the workplace challenge – only serving Vegan options during the month. A number of international companies have also done so, from Volkswagen to Superdry. 


At bwa we are proud to have played a big role in facilitating the UK’s changing relationship with veganism. In 2017 we worked with The Vegan Society to launch the annual ‘Plate Up for the Planet’ campaign and continue to revitalise it each year. This year we developed a series of six animations that illustrate the benefits of a vegan lifestyle for the planet, which were launched at COP26, alongside a new recipe booklet, digital billboards, print and press ads and social media.


toilet rolls connected to the internet?


employees have the power